At Het Talentenspel you will search for your talents. During this personal trajectory you will gain more insight into who you are and what your life mission ultimately is. This insight
gives direction to the path you can take and the choices you make in your private life or for your education/profession.
During this trajectory you will meet your talents and talk to them. This will give you information from your subconscious. These meetings also lead to more self-acceptance and result in personal leadership.
At the end of the personal trajectory you make a commitment to yourself and take responsibility for your own life.
The game consists of two game boards: the world board and the Tree of Life board.
Of the 74 talents you will ultimately choose twelve; these will all play a role in your life during the trajectory.
The game ends with the pronouncement of the life mission and two concrete plans for the near future.
A personal trajectory consists of two half days of 2.5 hours each; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. In preparation for the process, the client is asked to write a short life story.